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EU opens race to run its huge European Investment Bank

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Reuters or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Five individuals are competing for the presidency of the influential European Investment Bank (EIB), as disclosed by Belgian Finance Minister Vincent van Peteghem
• The EIB, considering itself the largest multilateral financial institution globally, plays a pivotal role in funding Europe's shift towards a carbon-neutral and more digitalized economy

🔭 The context: The EIB is the EU's primary lending institution focused on environmental sustainability, and its leadership choice reflects broader strategic decisions within European financial oversight
• Appointments require a balance in gender, political ties, nationality, and country size

🌎 Why it matters for the planet: With the EIB's emphasis on addressing climate change and sustainable energy, its leadership will critically influence environmental and energy policies in Europe

⏭️ What's next: The selection of the next EIB head is closely linked to the appointment of the leader for the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), the entity overseeing banking
• Both decisions underscore the complex political intricacies, with the EIB leadership decision slated for October

💬 One quote: "We can say we are really spoilt for choice because all the candidates are excellent" (Christian Lindner, German Finance Minister)

📈 One stat: The European Investment Bank boasts a robust balance sheet of 544 billion euros and subscribed capital totaling 249 billion euros

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