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EU eases farming demands in 2040 climate proposal

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Politico or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: The European Commission has modified its proposal for a 2040 climate goal, removing a specific target for reducing agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and certain lifestyle recommendations following widespread farmer protests across Europe
This change comes amid concerns over the impact of the EU's green policies on the agricultural sector

🔭 The context: The protests, particularly notable in Germany, reflect the agricultural industry's dissatisfaction with cuts to diesel subsidies and other EU green initiatives
The Commission's revised plan now avoids setting explicit reduction targets for agriculture and the recommendation for citizens to eat less meat, focusing instead on a broader goal of a 90% reduction in total EU emissions by 2040 from 1990 levels

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Agriculture is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, and its role in climate change mitigation is crucial
The European Commission's shift in strategy highlights the challenges of balancing environmental goals with economic and social stability
This move could have implications for the EU's ability to meet its ambitious climate targets, including achieving climate neutrality by 2050

⏭️ What's next: The EU's plan, emphasizing "food sovereignty" and potentially offering "positive opportunities" for farmers, is still under negotiation
Despite the softened approach, the underlying need for the agricultural sector to contribute to climate goals remains a contentious point, with ongoing debates about how to achieve these targets without alienating key stakeholders

💬 One quote: "Despite all the semantics in the [Commission], there is an unequivocal Impact Assessment making a very compelling (business) case for an ambitious headline target and all sub-targets for sectors," (an anonymous EU official)

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