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EPA mulls tougher limits on new gas plants as 2024 election nears

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Washington Post or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is reportedly considering stronger limits on pollution from new gas plants, reflecting a potential shift towards more stringent environmental regulations under President Biden's climate agenda 
• This adjustment would lower the operational threshold for new large gas plants to be subject to these regulations, potentially impacting the majority of new gas plants in the U.S

🔭 The context: Originally, the EPA proposed rules to cut emissions across various power plant categories, but later scaled back, exempting existing gas plants from the final rule 
• The reconsideration for stricter controls on new gas plants arises amid broader discussions within the administration about the political and environmental ramifications of altering environmental regulations ahead of the 2024 elections

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Strengthening requirements for new gas plants could significantly reduce carbon emissions, marking a significant step towards mitigating climate change

⏭️ What's next: The final rule, which is under review, could reshape America's energy infrastructure, steering it towards more renewable sources 
• It reflects a complex balancing act between ensuring energy reliability and advancing environmental protection, amid growing pressures and legal challenges related to climate policy

💬 One quote: "Coal plants are barely hanging on economically without this rule," (Matthew Davis, VP of federal policy at the League of Conservation Voters)

📈 One stat: The proposed regulation change could prevent up to 10.6 million metric tons of carbon emissions per year

Click for more news covering the latest on oil and gas


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