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Electric cars draw a backlash across the U.S. and Europe

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Politico or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the News: Former President Donald Trump and conservative politicians in Europe intensify their attacks on electric cars, framing the economic disruption caused by the shift away from gasoline as a campaign issue on both sides of the Atlantic
• The issue becomes entangled in populist sentiments and concerns about rising prices, with some leaders questioning the feasibility and environmental benefits of EVs

🔭 The Context: Resistance to electric vehicles is gaining momentum among conservative leaders in both the U.S. and Europe with critics, including Trump and Italian Transport Minister Matteo Salvini, denouncing policies promoting EVs as economically damaging and job-destroying

🌍 Why it Matters for the Planet: As electric vehicles and other clean-energy technologies play a crucial role in the global fight against climate change, they encounter political resistance for various reasons, including economic concerns and doubts about their environmental impact
• This opposition reflects a broader disagreement in political views on climate policies and the transition to sustainable technologies

⏭️ What’s Next: The political debate on electric vehicles is likely to persist as countries face elections and grapple with the implications of climate policies
• While some leaders, like Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, embrace EVs for job creation, others express concerns about economic impacts and reliance on China for battery minerals and manufacturing

💬 One Quote: "Joe Biden’s Green New Deal agenda is good for Beijing and bad for Detroit" (Former Vice President Mike Pence)

📈 One Stat: While some conservative politicians criticize electric vehicles, Prime Minister Orbán is actively pursuing over 20 electric battery production projects in Hungary, and GOP Representative Buddy Carter celebrates Hyundai's $5.5 billion investment in an electric vehicle factory in his district

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