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Deal to keep 1.5C hopes alive is within reach, says Cop28 president

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

Illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Guardian or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Sultan Al Jaber, the president-designate of the UN Cop28 climate summit, asserts that a groundbreaking outcome to limit global temperature rises to 1.5C is achievable

🔭 The context: Al Jaber, also the CEO of the UAE's national oil company, emphasizes the need for a robust roadmap of greenhouse gas emission reductions by 2030
• His unique position is seen as both a potential conflict of interest and an opportunity to engage businesses and oil producers in climate action

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The potential success of COP28 in reaching an agreement to limit global warming to 1.5C is crucial for the planet's future
• Achieving this target requires urgent and substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, which would significantly impact the trajectory of climate change

⏭️ What's next: The COP28 agenda includes addressing the role of fossil fuels, with countries divided between a phase-out and a phase-down approach
• The summit will also focus on establishing a new fund for loss and damage due to climate disasters, with expected contributions from industrialized and emerging economies

💬 One quote: "I am inviting and incentivising and motivating all parties to engage in a collaborative manner to see and assess how we can include fossil fuel in the negotiated text, that will cater for consensus and common ground, while keeping 1.5C within reach," (Sultan Al Jaber, President of COP28)

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