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CSR and ESG face new and familiar threats

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Forbes or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: As global challenges persist, a new survey highlights an increasing disconnect between C-suite executives and their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) departments
• Many feel that leadership is lacking, with only 44% believing that their C-suite executives are truly committed to ESG

🔭 The context: Despite rising consumer demand for companies to actively participate in CSR and ESG activities, the survey, conducted by the Association of Corporate Citizenship Professionals and YourCause from Blackbaud, indicates that resource challenges are hampering these efforts 
• Additionally, there is an apparent lack of diversity in leadership and insufficient focus on global health

🌎 Why does it matter for the planet: If C-suite executives overlook the importance of CSR and ESG or do not adequately invest in these areas, the repercussions can be wide-ranging, from damaged brand reputation to unmet global sustainability goals

⏭️ What's next: Organizations must address the gap between the C-suite's commitment and understanding of CSR and ESG strategies
• Recruiting more diverse leadership, especially BIPOC leaders, and prioritizing global health are necessary steps forward

💬 One quote: "If decision-makers only reflect a certain viewpoint or perspective, they cannot advance those values effectively and equitably." (Jennifer Lotito, President and Chief Operating Officer at (RED))

📈 One stat: While 56% of survey respondents identified environmental sustainability as a priority, only 32% considered healthcare crucial, even amidst a global pandemic
• On a positive note, 61% reported an increase in employee volunteer activities, pointing towards an emerging trend in community involvement

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