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Could Artificial Intelligence deliver a green transition?

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on LSE or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Recent research investigates the potential of AI to further innovation and the shift towards clean energy solutions
• The study was led by Marion Dumas, with contributions from Eugenie Dugoua and Pia Andres, focusing on AI's impact on low-carbon innovation

🔭 The context: The term "AI for the planet" is a popular notion amongst clean tech enthusiasts. AI, regarded as a General Purpose Technology, has the capability to revolutionize multiple sectors, similar to the impacts of electricity and the internet
• However, AI can also boost productivity for fossil-fuel based technologies

🌎 Why does it matter for the planet: Research indicates that AI positively impacts the shift to a low-carbon economy
• To match the efficiency and affordability of older technologies, renewable energy and electric vehicles can leverage AI's swift advancements

⏭️ What's next: Further analysis is underway, but researchers analyzed a global patents database, finding that clean energy technologies more frequently utilize AI and ICT knowledge than their less eco-friendly counterparts 

💬 One quote: "By creating new opportunities for clean technologies, spillovers from AI boost the incentives for companies to work on clean technologies." (Marion Dumas, Assistant Professorial Research Fellow at the Grantham Research Institute)

📈 One stat: Clean energy patents rely on AI and ICT patents 2 to 3 times more on average than dirty energy patents

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