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COP28 Digest - Day 7

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of COP28. Enjoy below the summary of the most recent developments:

🗞 Today's Headline: COP28 Day 7 brings urban design and transport into focus, with a call for ambitious climate action
• Meanwhile, the call to phase out fossil fuel is growing with UN Climate Chief, Simon Stiell, emphasizing the need for clear goals
• Outcry is growing against the record number of fossil fuel lobbyists present at the conference, outnumbering delegates from the top 10 most climate-vulnerable countries

🔭 The Global Context: The conference spotlights the critical role of cities in climate action, emphasizing urban design and transport as key areas for reducing emissions and enhancing resilience
• Calls for high ambition goals and urgent phase-out reflects the urgency for concrete commitments, yet are likely to be hampered by the vested fossil fuel interests present

🌍 Why it Matters for the Planet: The focus on urban planning and transport is essential, as cities are often at the forefront of climate impacts and are key to reducing global emissions
• The push for ambitious climate goals and fossil fuel phase-out is crucial for meeting the targets set in the Paris Agreement and avoiding catastrophic climate change.

🌐 Stakeholder Spotlight:
• Simon Stiell, UN Climate Chief: Urges nations to prioritize ambitious climate goals and avoid political point scoring.
Climate Action Network, the world’s largest coalition of climate NGOs: Voiced discontent at the alarming number of fossil fuel lobbyists present
Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, COP28 President: Advocates for inclusive solutions and recognizes the unique challenges faced by cities in climate action.
EU Climate Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra: Calls for a full phase-out of fossil fuels, emphasizing the need for urgent action in all sectors.
Activists and NGOs: Continue to push for stronger commitments and action, particularly in areas like urban design, transport, and fossil fuel reduction.

⏭️ Look Ahead: Negotiations will likely focus on concrete commitments for fossil fuel phase-out and enhancing city resilience
• The role of cities and regional leaders in implementing climate solutions will be a key area of discussion, potentially leading to new initiatives and partnerships

💬 Key Quote of the Day: “You don’t bring arsonists to a firefighting convention — or the climate talks, for that matter — but that’s precisely what is happening here at COP28.” (Climate Action Network)

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