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Community wind turbines and heat pumps could be a win-win against fuel poverty and climate change

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Euronews or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: A new report by UK climate action charity Possible, conducted by energy experts Regen, highlights the significant benefits of combining wind power with heat pumps for home heating
• This approach could reduce energy bills by a third and cut carbon emissions by 90% compared to traditional gas heating

🔭 The context: The study focuses on the synergy between onshore wind resources and heat pumps, emphasizing the potential for alleviating fuel poverty in England's deprived neighborhoods and significantly reducing the UK's home heating emissions
• Currently, one-seventh of the UK's emissions stem from home heating

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: This clean energy model not only offers a pathway to drastically lower carbon emissions but also presents an opportunity to address fuel poverty and health issues associated with cold, damp homes
• By leveraging local wind turbines and potentially incorporating solar panels and batteries, communities can achieve greater energy independence and environmental benefits

⏭️ What's next: Challenges remain in the widespread adoption of this model, including the high cost of heat pumps relative to gas boilers, expensive electricity charges, and restrictive policies on onshore wind projects in the UK
• Efforts to overcome these hurdles could accelerate the transition to cleaner, more affordable home heating solutions

💬 One quote: "Replacing gas boilers with clean home heating will be vital to protect the climate," says Possible, emphasizing the urgent need for action

📈 One stat: Heat pumps powered by local wind turbines can provide two-thirds of the energy needed for home heating, offering a 26% savings over gas boilers and a 31% savings when combined with domestic solar and batteries

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