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Colombia vows to put nature at the heart of global environmental negotiations

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Guardian or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Colombia, under the leadership of Environment Minister Susana Muhamad, is set to prioritize nature conservation in global environmental discussions, particularly in the upcoming Cop16 summit
• This initiative aims to integrate biodiversity concerns more thoroughly into the international climate agenda, building momentum towards the climate Cop30 in Brazil

🔭 The context: The Cop16 summit, hosted by Colombia in Cali, follows a historic biodiversity agreement reached in Montreal, Canada, at Cop15
• This previous summit resulted in significant commitments to halt biodiversity loss, including protecting and restoring 30% of the planet's land and sea
• Colombia's approach seeks to strengthen these commitments and spotlight the critical role of biodiversity in addressing the climate crisis

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Colombia's focus on nature at the heart of environmental negotiations highlights the intrinsic link between biodiversity and climate change
• By advocating for the protection of biodiversity as a cornerstone of climate action, Colombia aims to promote a unified approach to environmental preservation, emphasizing practical actions like the creation of multinational marine protected areas and the conservation of the Amazon

⏭️ What's next: The Cop16 summit will be a pivotal moment for countries to present national plans to meet biodiversity targets
• Colombia intends to use this opportunity to advocate for enhanced recognition and financial support for megadiverse countries, crucial for global biodiversity conservation efforts

💬 One quote: "Although the climate is affecting biodiversity, nature is an answer to the climate crisis. It is not the only answer but it is a very important pillar," (Susana Muhamad, Colombia's Environment Minister)

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