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Climate victims file criminal case against bosses of oil firm Total

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Guardian or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: NGOs and individuals affected by extreme weather have filed a criminal case against TotalEnergies' CEO and shareholders, accusing them of contributing to deaths through fossil fuel exploitation
• The case, filed in Paris, seeks to hold the company’s leaders criminally liable for endangering lives and damaging biodiversity
• The prosecutor has three months to decide on opening a judicial investigation

🔭 The context: This legal action, initiated by NGOs Bloom, Alliance Santé Planétaire, and Nuestro Futuro, represents victims of climate-related disasters from various countries
•  The plaintiffs argue that TotalEnergies' actions have exacerbated climate change, leading to deadly weather events
• TotalEnergies has faced multiple climate-related legal challenges, reflecting increasing global litigation against fossil fuel companies

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: If successful, this case could establish significant legal precedent, holding corporate leaders personally accountable for climate change impacts
• Such accountability could drive more stringent climate actions from major polluters, contributing to global efforts to mitigate climate change

⏭️ What's next: The prosecutor's decision on whether to proceed with a judicial investigation will shape the case's trajectory
• If declined, the NGOs can appeal directly to an investigative judge
•  The outcome may encourage similar legal actions globally, increasing accountability for climate-related damages

💬 One quote: "TotalEnergies and the other oil and gas companies are perfectly aware of what they are doing. Once you’re aware of what you’re doing, you can’t say you’re not responsible," said Dr. Simon Frémaux from Alliance Santé Planétaire

📈 One stat: TotalEnergies' products have resulted in over 14 billion tonnes of CO2 emissions since 1971

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