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Climate change is fueling a new type of anxiety

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Bloomberg Green or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Psychotherapist Caroline Hickman highlights the unique challenges of addressing climate anxiety, contrasting it with traditional anxieties like fear of dogs
• Climate anxiety, described as a response to a real and rational danger, has escalated to critical levels among some individuals, affecting their daily functioning and leading to extreme behaviors

🔭 The context: Climate anxiety is not officially recognized as a disorder but is increasingly acknowledged by mental health professionals as a significant and growing concern
• It manifests in various forms, from direct experiences with climate impacts to feelings of guilt and powerlessness
• The rise in climate anxiety cases corresponds with heightened media coverage of climate change and severe weather events.

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: Climate anxiety reflects a deeper understanding and concern for the planet's future, driving individuals towards activism and lifestyle changes
• However, it also poses a challenge for mental health professionals who seek new strategies to support affected individuals, emphasizing the importance of collective action and resilience in addressing climate issues

⏭️ What's next: Therapists are exploring new approaches to help those struggling with climate anxiety, focusing on both internal strategies for managing anxiety and external strategies for taking action
• This includes fostering a sense of community and efficacy in addressing climate change, moving beyond individual actions to collective solutions.

💬 One quote: "We consider it much more as an understandable response to a real and rational danger," says Patrick Kennedy-Williams, a clinical psychologist, underscoring the rationality behind climate anxiety.

📈 One stat: A 2021 study found that 59% of children and young people in 10 countries were very or extremely worried about climate change, with over 45% stating it negatively affected their daily life.

Click for more news covering the latest on climate change


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