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Chinese EV automaker NIO unveils 150 kWh battery pack

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece here in Interesting Engineering or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: After a two-and-a-half-year wait, Chinese EV maker NIO has integrated a 150 kWh solid-state battery pack into its cars, marking a significant advancement in its technology
• This energy-dense pack has been developed by WeLion, and will feature in the upcoming ES6 SUV 

🔭 The context: The battery pack has the same design as NIO's current lithium-ion cells but can deliver a significant range boost - up to 620 miles (1,000 km) on a single charge
• This development puts NIO ahead in the EV industry and could influence how future electric vehicles are built

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: EVs contribute to reducing our carbon footprint, and advancements such as these enhance their efficiency
• With more mileage from a single charge, EVs become more appealing, potentially increasing adoption rates and further reducing carbon emissions

⏭️ What's next: The 150 kWh pack is set to debut in the ES6 SUV this month, with the expectation that it will be extended to other models 
• NIO has already stated plans to sell three existing EV models with expanded battery capabilities

📈 One stat: The new solid-state battery pack provided by WeLion offers a whopping 261 Wh/kg energy density, which is a 44.44% increase compared to the 180 Wh/kg provided by NIO's previous 100 kWh lithium-ion pack

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