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Carbon removal isn’t weird anymore. That worries scientists

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on Climate Wire or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Nearly 200 nations have agreed to move away from fossil fuels, while some oil and gas industry leaders, like Occidental Petroleum's CEO Vicki Hollub, envision a future where the industry thrives through carbon removal technologies
• This perspective highlights a growing debate over the role and reliance on such technologies in addressing climate change

🔭 The context: Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies were initially intended for offsetting hard-to-eliminate emissions from sectors like cement production and aviation
• However, the recent shift towards considering CDR as a larger part of climate strategy is raising concerns among scientists and environmentalists who argue this could delay essential reductions in fossil fuel emissions

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The reliance on carbon removal technologies could potentially lead to a slower transition away from fossil fuels, increasing the total volume of emissions that need to be offset to achieve net-zero goals
• This shift in focus might undermine urgent climate action and the global commitment to limit temperature rise

⏭️ What's next: The global community faces a critical decision in balancing immediate emission reductions with the development of carbon removal technologies
• This balance is key to ensuring that net-zero targets are met without excessively depending on unproven or costly technologies

💬 One quote: “Carbon removal technologies offer an easy way out, to cover up business as usual, and the expansion of [polluting] industries right now — without any of the major transformations we need to see in rapid emissions cuts” (Lili Fuhr, Center for International Environmental Law)

📈 One stat: Major oil corporations like Chevron and Shell are involved in six of the 21 direct air capture hub development projects supported by the U.S. Department of Energy as of August

Click for more news covering the latest on carbon

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