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California has dealt a blow to renewable energy, some businesses say

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The New York Times or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: California's decision to significantly reduce incentives for installing rooftop solar panels has led to a drastic decrease in the state's solar installations
Key industry players, including installers and manufacturers, have experienced a sharp decline in business, prompting some to exit the California market altogether

🔭 The context: This policy shift marks a departure from California's long-standing support for renewable energy
The state reduced the value of credits for new solar installations by 75%, affecting residential solar economics
This move was partly in response to concerns that previous incentives disproportionately favored wealthier homeowners, leaving lower-income residents to bear greater electricity system costs

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The reduced installation of residential solar panels in California could impede progress in renewable energy adoption, crucial for combating climate change
With California being a leader in environmental policies, this change might influence other states' approaches to solar energy, potentially affecting national renewable energy strategies

⏭️ What's next: The state's commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 may face challenges if the decline in solar installations continues
Future policy adjustments and industry responses remain critical factors to watch

💬 One quote: “I had a very dismal pipeline and had to make the decision to shut down in California” (Thomas Devine, Construct Sun, one of many companies affected by the policy change)

📈 One stat: Solar installations in California are projected to drop more than 40% this year and continue declining through 2028, following the policy change

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