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Bill Gates on next-generation nuclear power technology

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece here in CBS News or enjoy below 

🗞️ Driving the news: Kemmerer, a Wyoming town traditionally reliant on fossil fuels, could gain global recognition through Bill Gates and his company, TerraPower's plan to build their first advanced nuclear power plant there, potentially reshaping its economy and aiding a sustainable future

🔭 The context: The town's history is one of innovation and entrepreneurial spirit - it was home to the first JCPenney store
• TerraPower's arrival signifies a new chapter in this legacy, aiming to make Kemmerer a hub for next-generation nuclear power

🌎 Why does it matter for the planet: Nuclear power provides a constant energy supply, unlike solar and wind, and doesn't emit climate-changing greenhouse gases
• The proposed plant will use advanced technology called Natrium (Latin for sodium), enabling sodium-cooled reactors that are three times more efficient than traditional water-cooled reactors, resulting in significantly less nuclear waste.

⏭️ What's next: TerraPower's new plant could be operational by 2029 
• The plant will employ 300 workers once it's online, providing a substantial economic boost for the town 

💬 One quote: "Exactly. You know, when that coal plant is shutting down, the ability of this community to keep young people and still be vibrant is under threat" (Bill Gates)

 Click for more news covering the latest on energy 

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