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Berlin’s plan for driverless magnetic trains derided by climate groups

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Guardian or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the News: Berlin's new conservative-led government proposes a revival of the 1980s M-Bahn, a magnetic levitated railway (maglev), in an effort to enhance the city's green credentials and achieve a net-zero goal by 2045 
A pilot stretch costing €80m-€85m might be operational within two years.

🔭 The Context: This initiative comes at a time when Berlin's transport system faces driver shortages, prompting interest in driverless train solutions 
The M-Bahn, dismantled in 1991, is viewed as a potential innovative transport solution, with plans including a 5-7km test route.

🌍 Why It Matters for the Planet: Environmentalists criticize the project as energy-intensive and impractical, arguing for the expansion of existing public transport networks instead 
They question the project's contribution to climate goals, suggesting a more effective use of climate funds.

⏭️ What's Next: The project's future is uncertain due to potential funding issues. Germany's highest court recently blocked plans to use Covid-era aid for climate projects, casting doubt on the funding for the M-Bahn revival.

💬 One Quote: "It can’t be our goal to finance absurd projects like this," stated Tilmann Heuser from the Association for Environmental and Nature Protection, emphasizing the need for serious climate action.

📈 One Stat: The proposed M-Bahn stretch could cost between €80 million and €85 million, a significant investment for a pilot project.

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