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Are floating cities the solution to rising seas?

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The New York Times or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Oceanix Busan, a large-scale floating city project off the coast of South Korea, is set to accommodate about 12,000 residents on interconnected platforms
• This initiative, involving partnerships with UN-Habitat and architectural firms, aims to provide sustainable living spaces on the ocean

🔭 The context: Traditional urban expansion often involves land reclamation, which is environmentally unsustainable
• Floating cities like Oceanix Busan are designed as a sustainable alternative, using modular platforms that minimize ecological impact and can expand to house more residents

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The design and construction of floating cities can enhance biodiversity and the ecological health of marine environments
• These structures provide new habitats for marine life and represent a forward-thinking approach to urban development in response to rising sea levels

⏭️ What's next: Oceanix Busan is scheduled for completion by 2028, with potential expansion up to 150,000 residents
• This project sets a precedent for future floating city initiatives and could influence international regulations on sustainable marine architecture

💬 One quote: "This kind of floating structure attracts life in the ocean and essentially helps to restore ecology" ( Daniel Sundlin, Partner at BIG)

📈 One stat: Oceanix Busan will initially cover 6.3 hectares (about 15.6 acres) and is designed to house about 12,000 people

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