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Amazon will buy solar energy from a repurposed coal mine in Maryland, USA

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on CNBC or enjoy below:

🗞️ Driving the news: Amazon has announced a significant renewable energy initiative, purchasing solar energy from a new solar project in Garrett County, Maryland
• This project, built on a former 120-year-old coal mine site, represents a major shift towards renewable energy sources and is expected to create 200 jobs

🔭 The context: The solar farm, which will be the largest in Maryland, features over 300,000 solar panel
• It's part of Amazon's broader strategy to invest in renewable energy, with 78 new solar and wind projects announced this year
• The site's existing infrastructure, including energy interconnection and substations, makes it an ideal location for this renewable energy project

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: This project is a significant step in reducing carbon emissions, with an estimated reduction of about 133,000 tons of CO2 annually, equivalent to removing over 26,000 cars from the road each year
• The initiative aligns with broader efforts to repurpose brownfields, which are previously developed lands that are not currently in use, for environmental and community benefits

⏭️ What's next: The solar farm is scheduled for completion by late next year
• Amazon aims to power all of its operations with renewable energy by 2025, advancing its initial goal set for 2030

💬 One quote: "Our investments are helping power our operations and making the entire grid greener." (Nat Sahlstrom, head of energy, water, and sustainability for AWS)

📈 One stat: The investment by Competitive Power Ventures in the project amounts to $200 million, highlighting the significant financial commitment to renewable energy

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