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Agritourism for improving education and rural entrepreneurship

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Daily Star or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: Bangladesh's rich agricultural heritage and diverse rural landscapes present a unique opportunity for agritourism
• By leveraging traditional farming practices and vibrant farming communities, the country could become a leading destination for this type of tourism, fostering sustainable rural development and economic empowerment

🔭 The context: Agritourism is a learning experience where visitors can engage with farming processes, from cultivation to marketing
• Bangladesh has diverse agricultural commodities, and the country's Tourism Policy has helped initiate community tourism in some regions

🌍 Why does it matter for the planet: Agritourism promotes sustainable agricultural practices and helps preserve cultural heritage, supporting local economies by improving income generation and job creation
• Other countries like Thailand, Taiwan, India, and the US have successfully utilized agritourism for similar benefits

⏭️ What's next: Bangladesh faces challenges in developing agritourism, including infrastructure limitations, awareness, and policy support
• Solutions include forming public-private partnerships, implementing regulatory frameworks, and involving local communities in planning
Universities can also play a key role in providing hands-on experiences and preparing students for the global job market

💬 One quote: “Bangladesh can position itself as a desirable destination for tourism and learning” (Dr Susmita Das,  principal documentation officer at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council)

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