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‘A good cruise is one that doesn’t come’: Europe’s ports bear brunt of ship pollution

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By illuminem briefings

· 2 min read

illuminem summarizes for you the essential news of the day. Read the full piece on The Guardian or enjoy below

🗞️ Driving the news: European port cities are contemplating bans or restrictions on cruise ships due to their adverse health and environmental impacts
• In 2022, the 218 cruise ships in Europe emitted over four times more sulphur oxides than all of Europe's cars combined

🔭 The context: The health risks associated with sulphur dioxide, which causes respiratory and cardiovascular issues, are becoming more evident around cities in Europe
• Additionally, the environmental impact of cruise ships, especially in terms of pollution, is a growing concern, while their economic advantage is highly debated

🌍 Why it matters for the planet: The pollution from cruise ships not only affects the environment but also the health of residents in port cities, and as the cruise industry's grows, its environmental, social, and economic impacts have also escalated

⏭️ What's next: As the negative impacts of cruise ships become clearer, there's a call for sustainable solutions such as electrifying docks so ships can plug in directly, reducing engine emissions or a significant reduction in cruise activity in the Mediterranean

💬 One quote: "In the morning, if you wipe a small sponge over a table, it reveals little black dots. They also appear in our swimming pools" (Marie Prost-Coletta, Cap au Nord)

📈 One stat: A quarter of all ocean waste comes from cruise ships, with nearly 90% of this waste legally discharged at sea

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